Hepatobiliary problems can be solve - Dr. Ninad Deshmukh

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Liver Care
Hepatobiliary problems can be solve

Hepatobiliary problems can be solve

Our liver is pretty much an all-rounder. It performs almost all the vital functions- digestion, metabolism, detoxification, storage, production, and immunity. Although the liver has an unbelievable trait of regenerating itself, extensive damage erases all hope of its survival and you start looking at hepatologist doctor in Pune and hepatologist in Pune.

Here are some simple tips to keep your liver healthy:

1. Avoid fad diets:

Fad diets that promise to reduce your weight instantly can put excessive stress on your liver. These diets are usually lacking in essential nutrients and are not beneficial. Aim to lose weight at a healthy rate of ½ -1kg per week.

2. Limit your fat intake

High levels of fat in the blood (hyperlipidaemia) and high levels of cholesterol (hypercholesterolaemia) are common causes of fatty liver disease. Keep your levels low by keeping your fat intake low. And of the little fats, you do eat, make sure they’re unsaturated (poly- and monounsaturated fats).

3. Drink alcohol in moderation

Sensible consumption of alcohol is critical to your health. While alcoholism is more common among men, women are more susceptible to the adverse effects of alcohol on the liver. In fact, it takes as little as 20 grams of alcohol daily (only two standard drinks) for women to develop liver problems.

4. Get a jab

Talk to your doctor about getting vaccinated against hepatitis A and B. If you choose not to get vaccinated against hepatitis A, make sure you avoid sushi, raw/partially cooked clams, oysters, mussels, and scallops, as these fish often live in hepatitis A-contaminated rivers and seas. If you choose not to get vaccinated against hepatitis B, practice safer sex.

5. Quit smoking

It’s been proven that smoking cigarettes are linked to the development of liver cancer. Smoking can also enhance the toxic effects that some medications have on the liver.

6. Take care with tattoos and piercings

If you’re keen to get a tattoo or a piercing, take extra care to find an establishment that is clean and adheres to meticulous sterilization practices.


Dr. Ninad Deshmukh